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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  September 11, 2010 6:00am-9:00am PST

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live from the bay area's news station this is the kron 4 of morning news. >> good morning everybody, it is 7:00 a.m. in our developing story is that the san bruno gas explosion. today, a town hall community meeting is held at a church to talk about the devastating explosion on thursday. this is a video from behind the barriers. federal, state, local accord to tour the damage, today. and residents could be allowed to return only if it is been deemed safe. for
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confirmed deaths, with a mother, a teenage daughter, and a 20 year-old female and another a victim not identified. 8 homes damaged in that explosion. 37 homes, destroyed. will tran good morning, what is the latest? >> good morning, isabel. what is going to happen at 9:15, there is going to be a news can france and a news conference, and barbara boxer. and the governor. and the big question is when canadia specifica return to their neighborhoods? and if they could possibly grabbed anything. at this point the city is not making any promises. they say the best case scenario could be today but they do not know what is going to happen because there is still hot spots in the hills. specifically, a few miles from
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where i am located. also, what is happening is that this is video i shot. there requesting donations at the veterans center. and they are open at 9:00 a.m., there arf cots available for people displaced but it seems like so far, people was found a hotel, family, friends, but if they happen to run out of money? this shelter will be open, and provide a place to stay, if necessary. the big thing they're asking for is cash. however, if you'd like to donate other items like diapers, baby formula, you are encouraged to drop it off for, and the american red cross shelter in the bay area. we will monitor this, and as you can see hopefully, somebody from the american red cross will give us
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the list of what they're doing today is far is that agency is concerned. >> will tran, there were try to go to those hotspots that if there were any more victims or bodies. today, the you know, this morning if they can finally found any more bodies, victims? >> well, that depends on some of the homes, some homes are still very hot. three of them are still there is hot, too hot to go through with cadaver dogs. and i can tell you that with about 20 minutes ago i saw an entire convoy of fire trucks go up san bruno ave. for some reason, if they're making great progress to make sure that that place is cool enough for the dog to go through in some of the plays out. and yes, there will be able to do that but i still understand that still homes have not been completely searched. so
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far, only four fatalities but there could still be more. >> thank you, cured, and also, he is reporting live and the latest video have of the damage that you can see dozens of homes, jimmy's only where the homes jimmygeand investigators will be back out at the site today to check things out c. chimneys--remain >> and craig sklar is rema i at one of the checkpoints. >> you can see those check points around the blast zone to wait to see what there are at their homes. in the meantime, they are staying hotels, family, friends and hotels are booked, solid in this region. and at the
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national board goes into the area to see exactly what the cause was. >> craig sklar. >> this is more video, the massive extent, but least six blocks. many of these residents were off forced to flee and lost everything! now, they're reportinrelying on the nations f strangers. >> and da lin >> and this is as far as they are able to go, the been crossed more, intersection of san bruno it happened about 1/4 mile down the fort, the explosion on friday. many evacuees bedded police officers to let them go to their homes. they were requesting police officers but it is a crime scene so no offofficers have no choice.
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>> this officer, resident suffered major damage. on glenview drive and it is just one half block awablock away. >> the front of the house seem ok. but i see that most of the damage is behind the house. >> both of those trucks are deployed and is a difficult time dealing with this fire. he, his wife worked with several years to purchase this. >> a lifetime of work. and to try to get things that you like, and everything just goes up in smoke, all of a sudden it is not an easy thing. >> he is thankful that his family is a live, is two year- old daughter. and he knows that they are still very lucky. and in san bruno cuffed da lin >> investigators haven't began the important task of what cost that cast-they have started to
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begin the important task of finding the cause. the national transportation safety board have formed several working groups all aimed at investigating various aspects of the gas line operations. and vice chairman and further details late last night. >> there are groups to work at various aspects of this accident starting with operations. there will be looking at the history of this pipeline from the installation in 1956-today. and historic lee, like excavation's because there is a possibility that the excavations, the undamaged-historic week or the history, and the integrity management. and they will also be looking at the qualifications, training of the officers involved in the pipeline. ♪ >> fabulous weather. this
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weekend, not a lot of vodka to deal with with a lot of sunshine and nice temperatures. not a love-fog to deal with. . concord and offer witthe easy valleys, cool clear skies for tonight in the start of your sunday. the same pattern, with a little bit of fog in a will clear, quickly by 8:00 a.m. the high temperatures for the rest of the bay area are going to be close to 90 degrees for the east bay valleys. upper 70's, low 80s for south bay, at 82 in napa, and 0-mid '80s with the north bay. what you can expect for the next week coming up in a few minutes. >> 7:0 8:00 a.m. and this is a live look at newark's city. they are observing the ninth anniversary of 911. you can hear the names of over 2000 victims
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are being read out loud. family comes will be able to enter and to lay flowers. >> michael joseph. >> michael douglas. >> michael jr.. >> michael robert. >> exceeds even the promise erior that of the exterior. this is the all-new jaguar xj. the stunning result of taking a very different road.
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>> we are back on kron 4 news weekend or developing story continues of the san bruno gas explosion. we are going to go live to jordan stopped the state of california of emergency services, good morning. >> good morning. >> thank you, can give as a state of what the emergency services is to one on the latest on the explosion and also for the evacuees. >> right. right now, just to
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update everybody. since the beginning. the priority is to make sure that everybody is safe and get what they need. to get them through this time and what is going on. we are helping with resources. we have been helping the local fire agencies, the police, and help to find resources and make sure this is under control. >> it jordan, there is a press conference later but perhaps the big question on the residents' minds is that are they going to allow to go back in any time soon. do you have any information on that? >> and not right now. the only information i have is that we're still trying to fight the fire and in the hot spots, and it is still not safe to go back and. we will let that make them
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determination and more information on that, later. >> jordan, how was your office assessing the response to the emergency? >> what was the question? >> how were you assess the response of the how the response time. >> you know, the response worked exactly how it was supposed to. and in california, with an agency of emergency responders. week lead that nation in that respect and we can show them what we're made of pure-we lead the nation. they're there right when they needed to become a local, state, and federal agents all working, together. to help lead in this and make sure that people are as safe as they be. and get this under control as quickly as possible. >> and what types of an accord
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to take place over the next couple of days? >> >> and over the next couple of days, the big issue is declaring a state of emergency and requesting fema and the us small business administrations to come and a early next week to assess the damage. what type, if any federal assistance to be available to residents, victim's. just to get everybody on their feet. right now, the local and state agency is trying to get everybody in the recovery process. and assist, as needed. this is still a developing situation and we will see over the next several days. >> jordan, one last thing is that there is a phone number that people can call who are residents word about their homes? or what is more to
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happen, later with their office? >> you know, we will send it to our website. and the city of san bruno has established an instant web page. and will link to that to our website which is >> thank you, for having me. >> and want to talk about the necbig national store, an arlington virginia. and president obama, and former first lady, laura bush holding a remembrance ceremony at the pentagon. let us take a listen.
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>> but we will have that after the break, we will be right back. as governor, he cut waste got rid of the mansion and the limo budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts.
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world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created. california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again.
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♪ >> we are back at 7:20 for our top story this morning, san bruno gas explosion where there is a town hall community meeting at st. robert's church to talk about the devastating san bruno gas explosion. some video that is looking at the federal, state, the local are going to tour the damage, today. residents will be allowed back as soon as they determine that it is safe. at last check, there's been four confirmed deaths with the mother, a teenage daughter, a 20 year-old woman and another person was not been identified 3700 h homes . >> those residents are waiting to get back in that area and
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residents are also being facing their risk of being arrested. >> they're hoping that authorities will let them into their homes to collect belongings and medication. at this point, it is still unsafe to go back to their homes. there are very frustrated because these residents say their neighbors are still in their homes in the refuse to leave. authorities cannot make them wait because that is their property. residents say they cannot understand why the cannot go back to the 40's up threatened them with arresting them. fast this--authorities. we do not know when there will be able to collect some belongings. in san bruno, kron 4 news. >> a good saturday morning to you for a nice weekend weather is coming in our direction with not a lot of fog to do with just a lot of sunshine through saturday, sunday. temperatures will be in the 70's for san
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francisco by this afternoon with just a light sea breeze cranking up. we will be in the low-mid '80s for the south bay, concord, and points of the lower east bay. and upper 80s, close to 90's. that same pattern is in place for tomorrow with the light sea breeze, just a little bit of fog in the morning hours. and the fog will be near the bay, the north bay, and the coast and it should clear by 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. by next week, starting monday the sea breeze will start to ramp up. that will increase cooler temperatures and more extensive fog for the morning hours. especially as we get to the middle of next week. next weekend, by 10:00 a.m., debitors and the '50s on the coast. 60s on the bay, and 70's on the east bay. 10:00 a.m.. an 3:00 3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., operatives, east bay. and-
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temperatures in the 50s, coast, temperatures, 4:00 p.m. on the east bay should be 60s. and to go around the bay it looks like this for this afternoon. the lot of '80s in the north bay with sonoma, 85 degrees. 80 degrees in santa rosa and nearly 90 in fairfield. 60s at the beaches, and san francisco will see 72 degrees and 80 degrees for redwood city. and mid-upper seven is for most locations at the east shore. hayward, 78 degrees, sunshine, warm, inland. those are average, upper 80s in concord, pleasanton. the south bay, a delightful day with the upper 70's, low 80s for san jose. and a high of 83 degrees. kron 4 7 day around the bay fan sunday, a very similar day with just a touch of morning of fog. a lot of sunshine throughout the
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day and more fog on tuesday morning. that is because the sea breezes getting stronger. the result will be slightly cooler temperatures with upper 70's, low 80s, inland. and upper 60s, low 70's for the bait. and we're going to remain in this weather pattern for \ / however, the computer models are sharper possible storm pressing through saturday, sunday, and just a possible storm north of the bay area. >> morrison. >> john larson. >> natalie >> gary >> my son, my hero in heaven, lt. david holdman. i love you forever, watch over us.
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>> the other top story of this morning as we are taking a live look from york city. and the city is observing the ninth anniversary of september 11th. >> a very touching ceremony in lower manhattan. 2752 victim's. family members will be able to enter the world trade center just after this ceremony to leave flowers. we will be hard back. >> ana a. laverti..
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live from the bay area's news station this is the kron 4 morning news. >> we are back at 7:28. our continuing develop with the san
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bruno gas explosion. we have been watching this since thursday evening when it exploded at 6:15. today, there will be a town hall, a community meeting at st. robert's church. we will be updating of this devastating gasoline explosion. this is video from the kind of barriers on friday. federal, state, local, are going to tour the damage, today. and residents to be allowed and only if they deem the area, safe. at last check, four confirmed deaths, a mother, a teenage daughter, a 20 year-old female and another. 370 homes were destroyed. >> and live, will tran >> good morning, marty. we're 90 minutes away. from acting governor, and senator, barbara boxer to give us an update on
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this situation. the big question is that one will be able to be allowed to return to their neighborhoods and at the very least go through their homes. to see their damage and at least if their home is still standing to grab something out of their homes. so if they can use it in the meantime. and from what i understand, the best case scenario would be today. there are still several unanswered questions which is why the city is now making any promises for now, the city is considering this a crime scene which is why they're police officers around that area. only authorized officials are able to go into that area. here is a video of the damage of that area. i can tell you the some parts are still smoldering but most of it is out, and still some hot spots. there are still three homes that are smoldering and even too hot to send and cadaver cog's board to see if there are any bodies. cadaver-
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dogs. hopefully, that the tally will remain at only four people. we will see if that number will remain the same which is why they're saying that that is not the final number which is what people are still in a hospital. who knows what that situation? i can also tell you that a lot of people are asking me how to they donate? the biggest thing is anything allowing relating to be eased. the american red cross is looking for diapers,-babies, anything which could possibly spare including cash. baby formula. hopefully, that why there is nobody here from the american red cross to give us more information. hopefully i will get more than the 9:15 at which we will carry, live. back to you. >> and a quick question. and the big story is that one or residents are allowed and the
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investigation of the cause of the explosion. have you heard anything about that? >> i have not heard anything i was here for a few news conferences by all of the officials, yesterday. right now, they're not giving a timetable. from what i heard, yet stay that pg&e cannot get to the source of the explosion to investigate. and of the ntsb has been called and and they are investigating a of going to the pipe and the pipe that exploded through all of the records to see if there was any construction activity, excavation, and to see reports of the smelt gas in the area perhaps days, weeks before the explosion. they have to go to all of that contract on the people who made those phone calls to see what they know. with the herd, what they smelled 70's this all together so it could be some time. -if those people what they heard? >> and to provide that impression to pg&e to help the
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investigation. >> -information. >> was this park? >> our was a buildup of pressure? or just a spark? >> several possibilities. >> thank you, and will tran mentioned that the red cross and on the phone is harold brooks. good morning, carole.harold. wee expecting to speak to him and we will continue to try to raise him. a lot of people want to know various things and perhaps he has some answers. particularly, because the red cross. >> they're always on the front lines of helping people, and very helpful in the bay area. and hopefully, will establish the connection. >> now, this is live in shinto, pa. work michelle obama is
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speaking at this line 11 remembrance ceremony. she was joined earlier by former first lady, mrs. bush. this ceremony is remember as a flight 93, to take that plane down before and hit the target. >> regarding this sacred spot, day after day, and lovely catalogue every item, momento, photograph, every letter left of the temporary memorial. and over in the past nine years over 1 million people have come here to pay their respects. to express their gratitude and to try, in their own small way to ease the burden of these family's grief. by honoring the people they love. and all of this reminds us that that while this memorial begins here and shanksville, it
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does not end at the end of this field. it extends to all of those they saved, whose lives today are possible because they gave theirs. it extends to all of those they conspired and thought to themselves, if they can do something back extraordinary wit of their lives, then maybe, just maybe, that it is time i made something more of mine. maybe it is time that i wore my country's uniform. maybe it is time that i gave more to my community. maybe it is time for me to be a better friend, a better neighbor, better american. and most of all, this memorial extends to all of their families, whose lives were shaped by their love. and i am thinking, and
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especially today of the children. toddlers to of grown into young men, women, teenagers who've become adults and one day bring their own children to this place. and tell them of a proud legacy they inherited. salanli bevin only 5 years old when she lost her father and even in the midst of a shock, the heartbreak of a first hearing the news. she said to her mother that i am so sad but i am not the saddest curl and the whole world. because children-girls--foster mother, family, and >> muriel borsa is only 10 years old when she lost her sister and
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the speech. she requested a worldwide moment of peace. she asked people and this is for ". to make a pledge to do a good deed that will help mankind and some, small way. even if it is a hug , customer smiled, waved, a prayer. or just silent thought. justice mile. -test, and i know that--just a smile toward all of those young people have done their very best to be strong for their families. and to hold their memories of their loved ones, clothes and to live their lives in a way that would make them proud-bringing a close. >> you are listening to michelle bauman, the remembrance famefire
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obama. >> this is just one of several public speaking cajuns in recognition of the ninth anniversary of 911. we will be right back.
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>> we are back at 7:40 the top story with the san per no gas explosion. the town hall meeting will be held, soon. federal, state, local officials will toward the damage today. damage that destroyed 37 homes. and eight other homes seriously damaged. four deaths. teenager, her mother, and a 20 year-old woman and another unidentified victim. residents are hoping to return to their home in san bruno today. emergency officials have to make sure that it is safe, clear for them to do so.
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craig sklar has the latest on that situation. >> as another dagon's people are trying to get to see what is locked in their homes as another day breaks. on fortunate, the could not happen today the ntsb is continuing its investigation to see what happens explosion. some people are having to stay, and elsewhere and wondering about their homes. there will have to have a wait and see attitude. >> and in times of tragedy. communities are being tested. >> petco! this and the mall at the el camino is open all night long. and even the camels, take a look. on friday, still waiting to be claimed and no doubt word about their homes. these six dogs and two cats, and one very lonely bird. petco is taking very good care and once more the f company will provide loans tht
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it supplies for those in need. and go through the petco foundation to the l san brun chimneys society, and ao have a for a couple of dozen of follicles. -teaming society.thee contacted through the local san bruno humane society. >> southern manhattan, the current 911 remembrance ceremony is in place. >> it is one of the three remembrance ceremonies that are taking place today we disturb from minell michele obama. we we right back. >> philip >> rudy >>
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charles williams mathis. >> william a. matheson.
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i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again.
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♪ >> we are back on kron 4 news to this weekend with the continuing coverage of the san bruno explosion. there are four confirmed deaths. we are going to go to lot acting governor who is in samper know. and governor, lieutenant governor. >> yes. >> how are you? >> . briefly, that let me ask you if you state lawmakers and congresswoman spier has been looking into the investigation of this investigation word is the governor's office stand on that? >> i think that we should look all investigation with the ntsb is here the came from
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washington. they will continue and report their report started two days ago. they told me that it could take 12-18 months to find a founding and that is unacceptable. there are pipelines all over the see the california. and i am looking at the most expedient way to get this investigation moving forward. and through the legislation, let it get it done. >> lt. governor, we spoke with the state of us of emergency services and he said the service worked well and the emergency response was great. however, for those home owners, there would like a quick turnaround for what they need and can you talk about an 18 month and in the investigation, can you help attorneys lives around? very quickly lost their homes? >> absolutely! i signed an executive order that expedited a lot of these to help these residents/victim's. on monday,
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the small businesses administration and the money is coming in to administer the damage. - fema is on its way on monday, we need to know what is happening. >> and is there is a pipe in my neighborhood? that is why i am pushing the findings of what happened. we need to know, now! >> mr. lt. governor, there are people that are without their homes and have lost everything. i would like to get a sense from you from a personal sense what if has been like for you to walk to that area, and talk to those people lost, everything. >> it has been difficult. these are folks, that all of a sudden on the 6:30 thursday evening the life has changed in the some of them, forever. the of lost l loved ones, and it looked like a war zone. and a pipe that exploded in the middle of the neighborhood. yesterday, the center were handing out food, clothes, water, the red cross
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has been telling that the california is for every victim, everybody and if you'd like to help? that is the website you can go to. we have been here. your active. and we continue to. >> now we are investigative mode, to expedite and get the hell back to the people that need it. >> mr. madonado what will you be doing today? >> we are going to be meeting with of the comeand local hospis and victim's to to let them know they're here we are here in the initial response was great! we were. immediately and that was great. now, we are in a different state, to help the victims and why this burst. >> lt. abel maldonado, , think
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so much for joining us this morning.
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>> rebecca 52. >> we're back to 7:52, to look of this amazing. this is from an associated press photographer the center of the explosion and were the direction of the flames. >> our viewers also took video, and web producer, kimberly sakamoto. >> i found these pictures on the los angeles * website. let me show you that what you are looking at is the used google maps of what this looked like before the gas pipe explosion. and what you see on the left side. delineated. and when you roll over, take a look at this! no more homes in the middle of your screen completely flattens. to give you a better look at that some of your pictures. these were sent in from my golfestegoi hin a choppe earliem
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past upon. and he was taken knees from and helicopter. >> the next one really shows you the ring of homes intact. surrounding the cluster of homes affected by the fire. and i am kimberly sakamoto, kron 4 news. >> back to shanksvill, pa and former first lady laura bush, and current first lady, michelle obama just spoke. this memorial will be built. and this is will be the spot for the 911 ceremony monument
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live from the bay area's news station this is the kron 4
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morning news. >> we are back at the top of this hour at 8:00 a.m. top story is the san bruno and gas explosion. today, a fast forward from thursday when the explosion occurred. there is a st. robert's church meeting town meeting. this is from the video on friday and what a mess! and federal, state, local are quartered or the damage, today. and they are hoping to return to their homes but residents say tha are still being held back by officials. still hot spots, and at last check, four confirmed deaths with a mother, a teenage daughter, a 20 year-old female and another pack dump core is not been identified. 37 homes. >> another victim has not been
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identified. >> that footage is a remembrance of the devastation of the 1991 oakland hills fire. we want to give you on the latest and let us go to live and will tran the command center, good morning. >> good morning. august finished speaking with lt. gov. abel maldonado to get possible just a few days' supplies. who knows how long there will be out? and he said it was up to him there would be back, yesterday. for now, the best case scenario is as early as today but the city cannot make any promises. we are waiting for news conference in one hour. and to this active governor, abel madlonado and luke barbara boxer. >> and this is a gentleman was
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about eight blocks away. i'm going to ask you some questions and i will show video and what is to the video. and you just e- mailed f kron 4 1 use of these flames erupt. >> yes, we were having dinner in the house started to rattle. we saw flashes of orange, yellow light. i went outside, saw people running i thought it was an earthquake but when we saw outside we saw major explosion! it looked as if the entire city block was on fire it did not look like two-story houses it took a 20, 30, 4and the flames really justify that. >> and you saw a flash of orange go across your window? >> yes, a flash of yellow, orange, light go through outside the lebaron, over the miniature blinds and we knew the we had a fire. outside the- living room. >> at that point, what did you?
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>> i told my wife to grab our six year-old daughter and to get out of the house it is not an earthquake. and we started running up the block. , just not even going in your car? >> no, we were just left everything. we were eating dinner, and left everything on the table and just ran. and i am wearing the same clothes for pat that day. >> thursday, the same where drug. >> yes from the same everything. hah and ideas getting home to get a few things. >> have a told you anything as far as getting back there and getting the items that you need to? >> no. however, yesterday i did go to i was escorted by a police officer for medication. i went there to need to get my glasses. and it got too dark and it would not do it and i had to put on to be killed the next day. and get a pass or something-to go back- to be hell. >> in the meantime, where are
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you staying? >> to bay hill. >> fortunately, my wife's sister has a place in the san mateo. we are staying there and i'm very fortunate and are happy for that. >> and really quickly, there are two people that are ownethe of d there on your street. >> i was thinking that those three houses that burned. and one of them as an elderly lady to live on the corner. she just had our home, landscaped. and i do not know but it is difficult to believe that they survived that the impact of the explosion. >> jerome diaz, , thank you. >> there are six cadaver donors that they continue to use today and there are so many 6 cadaver- stodogs are on deck to be used
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today and it is even so hot now to be used. and with the four fatalities, hopefully that number will not go up. and that is not action the final number. back to you. >> will tran thank you. and that is opposite what is keeping officials from going back into the area. they do not want any injuries. >> and from to roam th jerome d heroic. >> steve sharp is from the american red cross. >> and can you give us an indication of where the red cross stands as shelters, and the evacuees have been using the red cross services. >> we have been providing food animal sheltering, and a variety of food, water, information. and at the local
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assistance center and also with set up web access to help www and the main thing they can do is sit back, check on their loved ones. we're really amping up the second phase of the need of the affected and that will be the financial need. a lot of these people, most of these people that have friends, family and staying at hotels through insurance. and we are forcing is of the next 5-10 days a lot of those people are going to come back to us and to meet continued assistance. that is what we're working on now to put together the funds to help support those. and what they can do the most is to donate to the red cross bay and we've had a huge
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outgoing of goods and what a fantastic response. at this point, we're overwhelmed. i have to churches that are continuing to except donations. and we are really action on top of all of that as far as goods and donation of services. however, they can take goods to the san bruno united methodist church in san bruno. or the search of highlands on 1900 highland ave. >> and the work is just beginning-church. >> and to get them into some type of structure. and what you have available for them to start getting their lives back together? >> it is really a case by case. >> yes. >> we of value wait what they need by what they need for housing,-evaluate each person
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with the need, with comfort tips is what we call them. with personal items, and we are relief over the hump in that aspect. right now, what we are waiting for is once they have been out for a while the cannot go back home. there will be dark need for financial assistance and they're prepared to give them. >> steve sharp, from the american red cross and thank you, and they do as always for your report and a disaster such as this. >> and with steve sharp is saying is that it if you'd like to donate retinol is a cash donation. >> week-right now. the we will be right back.
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have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready.
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>> we're back on kron 4 news this weekend. this saturday morning, a recap of or top stories the san bruno gas explosion continuing coverage this morning on kron 4. there are four confirmed deaths and 37 homes, destroyed. in the san bruno neighborhood and eight
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homes, damaged. we are falling to me tracks one is the investigation into what happened. -we're falling to meaain tracks, the investigation of the cause and the return of the victim's. >> you can see the barricades are still opt that destroyed this hneighborhood, they might not be able to return for the next fedethat several days, and the federal, state local officials still are going to comb the area. it is still deemed on the safe. and there will have to find places, to stay in the meantime and the search is pretty much over. and they do not think they're going to find any more fatalities the cadaver of seven toldogs have bn
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standby. >> this high school in san bruno, a evacuees, volunteers on friday and on monday, the record this code with lunch children. the school temporarily closed. and will resume, on monday. >> now, we are going cross country to the other big story of the day. a live look from new york city, this is where the n.y. is observing the ninth anniversary of september 11th. a lot of people, but are still from the brink exactly that day and pictures they saw. of the twin towers, coming down. now, friends, family are coming in this area. names of the 2752 victim's are being read out loud and family members will be able to enter that. a real too late flowers. earlier today,
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president obama also made comments about the anniversary. we will have that and repeat right back.
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i could wear hats, if i partook in hat type things (birds chirping) like strolling in an orchard ♪ is this my husband? awesome cool hat, mom oh my perfect kids alright fourteen ninety nine i totally wear hats ♪
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>> kron 4 news continues on the san bruno gas explosion. to bring you up-to-date on the latest. town hall meeting is being held at st. robert's church could talk about the explosion and what happens next as far as the investigation and the evacuees. this is behind the barriers from for any video. state, local, and federal officials will be touring the area and speaking to local officials and about one hour. residents, it is still up in the air if they can return to their homes, today. still with conflicting reports and hopefully will find out more about that before we go off the air fare at last check, there are four confirmed deaths, a mother with her teenage daughter, a 20 year-old female and the other back and has not
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been yet identified. with 37 homes destroyed in this explosion and eight others have been damaged. >> we heard one resident earlier who said that he tried to go back and roared to just get the essentials and there were not allowed. today, they're talking about continuous hot spots. and even cadaver dogs to see if there are more victims. there is that uncertainty about what will happen with residents to date if they can go back in and check on their property. and today, and will continue to talk about the explosion, and this is what they had to say about the experience. in their own words. >> the ground this started to boil and there was a dirt started to come up, 10, 20 ft. in the air, trees, scrub. and i said oh my gosh! it looks like something was coming out of the
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ground and at the next minute the explosion in. >> bom, bom embalm huge explosion. >> it was unbelievable. >> the miniature blinds were melting of the routes for catching on fire. >> i just grabbed my keys and ran for the front door. >> it was like 911. >> we just took off, running. >> and they said it that we want everybody to evacuate, immediately. >> there was a house in front of me that was completely on fire and there were several cars, burning. the fire were spurting from home to home. spreading. >> a terrible, terrible, tragic has fallen on this city. >> we want to remind you to stay with kron 4 we of the very latest for on the gas explosion. in san bruno. >> we will be right back.
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>> a good a saturday morning, and nice weather is not a lot of fog to deal with just a lot of sunshine through saturday and sunday. temperatures will be in the 70's for san francisco by this afternoon. a late see priest cranking up. low at and east bay valleys. upper 80s, and close to 90's. that same pattern is in place for tomorrow the light sea breezes. just a little bit of fog in the morning hours. 90's. that same pattern is in light sea breeze, just a little bit of fog in the morning hours. and the fog will be near the bay, the north bay, and the coast and it should clear by 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. by next week, starting monday the sea breeze will start to ramp up. that will increase cooler temperatures and more extensive
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fog for the morning hours. especially as we get to the middle of next week. next weekend, by 10:00 a.m., debitortemperatures and the '5n the coast. 60s on the bay, and 70's on the east bay 10:00 a.m. an 3: 3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., operatives, east bay.--term peratures and-temperatures in the 50s, coast, temperatures, 4:00 p.m. on the east bay should be 60s. and to go around the bay it looks like this for this afternoon. the lot of '80s in the north bay with sonoma, 85 degrees. 80 degrees in santa rosa and nearly 90 in fairfield. 60s at the beaches, and san francisco will see 72 degrees and 80 degrees for redwood city. and mid-upper seven is for most 70's locations at the east shore. hayward, 78 degrees, sunshine, warm, inland. those are average, upper 80s in concord, pleasanton. the south bay, a delightful day with the upper 70's, low 80s for san jose. and
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a high of 83 degrees. kron 4 7 day around the bay fan sunday, a very similar day with just a touch of morning of fog. a lot of sunshine throughout the day and more fog on tuesday morning. that is because the sea breezes getting stronger. the result will be slightly cooler temperatures with upper 70's, low 80s, inland. and upper 60s, low 70's for the bait. and we'ry going to remain in this weather pattern for however, the computer models are sharper possible storm pressing through saturday, sunday, and just a possible storm north of the bay area. you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured.
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protect your loved ones.
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>> raymond sanchez. >> we're looking at the live floor manhattan. new york city
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is observing the september 11th. you can see, hear that people are being a leading off the names of the 2752 victim's. the paris summit towers went down on 911, 2011. -the towers. members of the victims' families unable to enter and leave flowers which is been a very emotional-family members are able to enter the area to lay flowers to show remembrances. >> there are two other ceremonies, one at the pentagon, where president obama will be speaking and the other was in showing stihanxsvill, pae michelle obama just spoke and former first lady, lure bush.
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>> and to bring you up-to-date on the top story, the latest on the gas explosion in san bruno. coming up in our next half hour will have more on that and live recordifrom reporting. of will n from the command center. >> there is a town hall meeting in a press conference coming up in a few hours and will keep an eye on that. we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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live from the bay area's news station this is the kron 4 morning news. >> at 8:30 the top story this san bruno explosion and fire.
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four confirmed deaths. and checking hotspots, those cadaver dogs will be returned to see if they're more victims. this is a tragedy that is not just taken a neighborhood by storm but an entire small community of san bruno. they have been using schools and other areas to house people. this was a six block area. and how many people were affected? and 37 homes affected, 8 homes damaged still a lot of details to be learned. town hall meeting later this afternoon, and the press conference at 9:3:00 pm this morning and will tran his life. and will? >> he is live. >> the news conference has been moved from the command center.
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and we're going to go to city hall or lt. governor abel mdldonado and barbara boxer. we should get everything we need as far as the updates. around 9:45. we will have that, like. and the big question is that when people will be able to return to their homes? the released to grab medication, clothing, anything they can use in the meantime because we do not know how long there will not be allowed to be back there. we know that they not to live there with no gas, water at many locations. with the day-to-day items of the want to have with them including medication. a lot of them are having a difficult time including thei cathy. and your try to get there? >> we had to hike quite a distance. repapart in rolling
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what, hiked down a small canyon. -report in rolling whawe parkedn rolling wood and after showing identification the officer was for a nice and let us and. >> and how have you been able to get by? >> i have something new, yesterday from the house. however, we are staying with my brother and pretty much with no where rare just wandering around a lot of friends and that is not a problem. however, we just want to go home. >> frustration and i think that not known to be agonizing. >> that is frustrating, to call this number and you'll get information about people on that number to not know anything and then we were told that chicken get a permanent identification
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to have permission to go back and. >> and if it takes a couple of days, a couple of weeks or is that going to be difficult? >> if it was going to be weak second not to imagine! we have to work, and i would has to basically a move out and get everything i need. >> will tran and if you asked cathy to describe what she saw. we are still trying to get a picture of the destruction and the other homes that were left, standing. >> kathy, when you went back into your home could to describe the scene was it intact or which are neighborhood decimated? >> >> it seemed like a ghost town because i was the only one there. if we are not in the damaged area. i did not see any damage to our house is fine. was the wind going th t wind was gor way and the firefighters and we're very grateful. it seemed
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very quiet and said. >> theory? >> yes, very e read. >> thank you, the caddy. and- heeerier-thank you, cathy. and lt. abel maldonado is still requesting that people are able to get to the homes. >> the center of all this, pg&e. >> jeff. >> good morning. >> the ntsb investigation into the cause of this explosion what is their role in this from pg&e? >> we will cooperate fully with the national transportation safety board. they are the federal agency to respond to check on a gas pipeline there will lead a and investigation
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and that will be the source of information as the gulf port. will cooperate, fully with the ntsb and any other government entity. >> and some people are just catching up with the particular is even though this was at 6:30 on for tonight. could you provide a recap of what you know? and how the gas lines to be involved. >> we are at an interesting position of the ntsb has begun. we are not able to be responsive as we would like relating to the national gas. and under federal law all details concerning this accident must be reviewed and approved by the ntsb. before being provided to individuals. and unless and until we get clearance from the ntsb we're able to restrict our discussions regarding details. >> could to give us a sense of
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like cathy. >> yes i'm here. >> can you hear me? jeff? >> it appears it would lost them. and there's a lot of questions. in the meantime, we would take a break and be right back [ woman on tv ] if you won't let me in,
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you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. at&t. rethink possible.
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the nine and chaff from pg&e is back. we're back at 98:39, and pg&e is spokesperson is back on the phone. with the current ntsb investigation he is restricted on telling us specific details. and a question for jeff, the pg&e working crews are out there? when a they doing? >> we can hear you.
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>> and what we're doing is that i know the there has been questions in respect to when electric, gas services will be restored to the area. what we are going to do is there are 300 customers, approximately without electricity and 30 sir without gasoline. was regain full access, we will restore full service. hopefully, by the end of the weekend but again that is dependent on it would contain access and the reason why we're up there is to perform those duties. once were able to gain full access to the area. jeff, pg&e donated $1 million to the relief fund. i also heard that there's a $1 billion insurance policy that pg&e is not sure could be enough is that correct? >> actually, that would fall
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under the category of the investigation. and that is unfortunate, nothing that i am able to discuss at this point in time. >> and jeff, back to the working crews were you >> we can hear you. >> where are you? >> we lost again. >> and what a bad connection. with his cellphone and that was jeff with pg&e. a recap breakfast 37 holmes describ37 hr confirmed deaths, eight homes desseriously damaged. and the question is the cause of the explosion. we do not have that answer just yet. >> please remember, this is a six block area of the
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neighborhood. the offer of skyline in san bruno and not a lot of homes wo all their homese destroyed but there's a lot of power outages. and jeff from pg&e just mention that 300 were ouwithout electricity. >> we will keep on that story and we're back to new york city, ground zero. [applause] ♪ >> leslie thomspson, paeery a thompson, eric thorpe, .....
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at >> we're back at 8:45 our natural gas explosion. the and san bruno off skyline. four confirmed deaths, 37 homes destroyed and eight others with major damages. a lot of power outages. pg&e cannot even get and to get lines repaired. folks may not find electricity whenever they're allowed back in it is still considered a crime scene. and it is not open to the evacuees lost their homes. we will keep an eye on that and over craig sklar is at city hall. a press conference and 20 minutes. >> 9:45, senator barbara boxer will be here. with whatever governor maldonado will toward that side before then. to get a
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sense of how bad it is something that homeowners cannot do. as a result there waiting to see what is left their homes if there are any homes left. and the ntsb is to investigation right now and one thing they did is that the pulled out the cadaver dogs they do not think there are any more fatalities. they're hoping. and it is fully investigation, by investigation, we will wait to see what barbara boxer says about how much federal help coming in at this point. i was over at the shelter and they are hsetting everything up from insurance, aaa, red cross, trying to find what they need to do to help people. thousands of volunteers are expected to show up. and thousands of people from at&t to volunteer and help as they expect to is to be the second full day since his
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accident. >> craig sklar, you've been on the front lines and this seems like as you speak about the volunteers. one thing that has occurred is that so many people from the bay area are coming forward to help. it is a volunteer for the red cross, and you've seen a lot of that haven't you? >> yes and one of the persons i've spoken to, she was a emotional about it. the idea that these people have suffered like they have. >> and with all of that conviction to be able to do that and she is been very proud that our co-workers and family members of the victims. and as somebody came and all the way from a neighboring cocounty and they have lost one family member and the bridges tried to find a place for her nephew for stricter. >> there's a lot of help coming in but is family-shelter. >> craig sklar, adding to. >> and someone else took an
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interesting is congressman jack spears. you can see her meeting with the evacuees and she is here looking for federal, state aid jackie spears. also, an investigation on who is at fault. at a short time. , and evacuees were able to go back but as reggie kumar explains to start its stopped. >> skyline and this several the back to is a been trying to get access. authorities have built a road block. not allowing people in, out. for a short time allowed one evacuate in at a time. escorted by a police to get to apollyon's and medication and that stopped after police say they caught somebody making copies of green passes. to get
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access. once the cost that, they stopped all access to residents for now. once they caught that, what do not know when residents will be back into their homes. in the san bruno, kron 4 news. >> we want to remind you to stay with us to keep you up-to-date on the latest of the gas line explosion in san bruno. and we will be right back.
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i thought it was over here... ♪
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[car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪ >> we are back on kron 4 news this weekend a developing coverage of the san bruno gas explosion. 9:45 a federal state local official conference about the latest on the san bruno explosion and plan on a tour. with even senator barbara boxer. and a community meeting, a town hall meeting at st. robert's
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church at 2:00 p.m. with the latest information. four people are confirmed dead, a mother, a teenage daughter, a 20 year-old woman and another unidentified victim. 37 homes of been destroyed in a six block area of san bruno. eight other homes have sustained major damage. people from the bay area have been opening up their hearts, wallace, have donations pouring into the red cross. -wallets accepting donations. >> what still remains on the top of everybody mind is how did this happened and why did this happen and could this happen again? and as adbe;l >> we signed an executive order
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that expedited a lot of but with a modicum of the mount expected in small business to assess and we're moving forward. the not expected on monday. we'd need to know what happened, there is a lot and is a reply in my neighborhood? that is what i've been pushing the findings of what happened. we need to know, now! it has been difficult these are folks that all of a sudden, 13 on thursday evening alliether life has changed and some, forever! there was a huge 30 in. pipe to burst in the middle of a rome in the middle of a neighborhood. it looked like a war zone. in the middle of rural faug >> and california volunteers got word that we set up for all victim's and everybody and if you'd like to dwelhelp the vict,
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to 02 www. california >> listening to lt. governor who was the acting governor. with governor arnold schwarzenegger out of the country in asia, this press conference will happen at 9:45. state local federal officials will all be bringing us up to date on not only the investigation but presumably one residents can go back into their neighborhoods. >> our other top story, we are taking a look at ground zero. 911. lower manhattan. the city of york is observing the ninth anniversary of september 11th. the names of the 2752 victim's are being read and family members will be able to enter
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the world trade center. with the large number of flowers that are beginning to mount and it looks like a giant floral bouquet. they're continuing to ladies on the upper level of this. >> you are not forgotten, god bless america. [applause] >> i am proud to read on behalf of the security consultants building the 911 memorial. >> joseph zacoli >> archady saltzman >> robet zambarinin >> christopher r >> keneth zellman
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>> jay xiang mark zeppelin jay you chou >> michael joseph >> charles allen zion >> jolie sziper joseph j zuckalla zucker, the my uncle, thomas cahill
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♪ [ male announcer ] it's luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac. the new standard of the world.
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live from the bay area's news station this is the kron 4 morning news. >> good morning, welcome back to
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the kron 4 news this weekend our continuing coverage of the san bruno gas explosion. town meeting is scheduled at 2:00 p.m. roberts church. they will be talking about the latest for the community and how the will to cope with this devastating tragedy. >> also, with investigators to pretoria that neighborhood to get an assessment from officials. we're able to confirm that for deaths from this explosion including a mother, a teenage daughter, a 20 year-old woman and another victim was not been yet identified. 37 homes have been destroyed in the six block area. another eight homes sustained major damage is. >> we are going to take a look at some pictures that just came in this morning. a resident of live eight homes from the location of the blessed shot this on thursday evening. you can see this ball of fire that
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exploded up into the sky. this aerial view, just pockets of fire the war all are round it was just amazing. it was an amazing evening reminding a lot of people in the east bay/oakland hills. >> yes, from 1991. >> a live look at some of >> this is the san bruno city hall where they are preparing for a press conference later today. with federal, state, local officials to bring the news media and everybody up to date on what is going on. with a few issues, one issue is the evacuations, and one the evacuees to return to their homes. and the second is the investigation of what exactly caused this explosion on thursday. >> senator barbara boxer is going to join other state, local officials on the pripress conference.
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>> and a check of your weather. for >> >> fabulous weather. this weekend, not a lot of fog to and nice temperatures. concord and over the east bay valleys, cool clear skies for tonight in the start of your sunday. the same pattern, with a little bit of fog and then it will clear, quickly by 8:00 a.m. the high temperatures for the rest of the bay area are going to be close to 90 degrees for the east bay valleys. upper 70's, low 80s for south bay, at 82 in napa, and mid '80s with the north bay. what you can expect for the next week coming up in a few minutes. >> we are back. looking at the
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damage. and workers on site in san bruno as they're doing. and will tran is latest. >> good morning, isabel, we of gone to this location where at this san bruno city hall weather by a news conference in 40 minutes. and with senator barbara boxer, lt. governor, abel maldonado and trying to get more information of this. hopefully when it these people will be able to return to their homes. at the very least to grab more clothing. we do not know how long there will be to when there will be able to return to their homes. and according to the attorney general, perhaps even as early as yesterday or this morning a. however, the city of san bruno is not giving any promises because that area where the explosion took place and the
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surrounding area. there still is treating it as a crime scene. and until police check that off and say that it is okay. there will not be able to return, on escorted, until probably today, tomorrow, and will find out about 40 minutes. >> off for will tran we took some of that video can you give us a sense of the pursley, your reaction of but you weren't seeing as you're going to the area-personally-- >> . and pretty quiet. it feels like a ghost town. you would expect people, especially on the weekend to move about the only people on the move for the firefighters, the police officers that are still maintaining a perimeter. there are people going down to the bay hill shopping center asking reporters, and how-to white donated clothing? and outdoor help?-how the white donate clothing? and after a couple of
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days, people are really tried to get their head around this. and on how to donate. and there are still people coming to the bay area center and they know that they're not allowed to return to their homes. they're not even bothering. they're going other places, news offices, and i am sure there will be here from the community. that will stand in the crowd and they can hear and from one person, one voice, what the direction is. according to some people, they're getting information from the firefighters, the police officers, and from all types of people. they just want one voice, one plan, so they know what they'd have to face. from today. >> in all of the years that we've covered emergencies like this i did not think this ever been a time whether or not ben and amount of time following the event that people do not get
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confusing, mixed messages. hopefully, as you said, hopefully turn the press conference at city hall people can give more shortie about what the problems are and how the calm returned to their homes - and they do not have that to what they do need is patience. >> exactly! and being here from yesterday and today, they are no longer asking what happened. they're not really worried about that. as if it were you or me. we does want to go on with our lives as easily as possible. and now it seems like one can i return? i know that i cannot live there even if i wanted to because in some areas there is no electricity, no water. and thus were lines were destroyed by this fire courthous they understand the cannot live there but it is what this is our homes. either if it is destroyed, intact, and to grab,
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what ever. that uncertainty is really eating away and the frustration. i predict that if they do not get an answer today. or perhaps one week from now if they do not know and that they're hanging on a string it is really not going to. >> and will tran thank you from a live report. we will be right back.
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lots of us are sick or hurt we have four times as many emotional problems as other kids i'll have to move over and over again. i'm twice as likely to drop out of high school.
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there's a 50-50 chance i'll end up homeless. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child.
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♪ >> we are back at 911 with the top story the explosion of the national explosion in san bruno. it has forced numbers of people to evacuate from the sex block area. we have been tasix block . governor cough abel maldonado and he is concerned about other pipelines and that if there are
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other issues? to get this resolved, quickly. it could take as much as 18 months. pg&e says because the ntsb is taking over this investigation the catullus very little about this particular is of this explosion. and if they can-just tell us very little. also, the american red cross is plenty of donations to what they do need now is dollars. to check in with the red cross and perhaps to do something and they can guide you in that way to make donations. >> one of the main story angles is the one our residents going to be able to go back? many people are going to be able to go back, today. and craig sklar has the latest on that. >> as the second full day of the investigation continues the search for the dead is over. at least for now, state, federal investigators are combing the area to try to find the explosion of the gas line
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explosion. meanwhile, residents cannot get to their homes with parents all over the bay area because it is a hazardous location. not safe. -and with their kids. craig sklar, kron 4 news. >> barricades. you create an ownership experience to match.
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?ñ?q a heavy duty truck, have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready.
9:15 am
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>> a good saturday morning to you for a nice weekend weather is coming in our direction with not a lot of fog to do with just a lot of sunshine through saturday, sunday. temperatures will be in the 70's for san francisco by this afternoon with just a light sea breeze cranking up. we will be in the low-mid '80s for the south bay, concord, and points of the lower east bay. and upper 80s, close to 90's. that same pattern is in place for tomorrow with the light sea breeze, just a little bit of fog in the morning hours. and the fog will be near the bay, the north bay, and the
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coast and it should clear by 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. by next week, starting monday the sea breeze will start to ramp up. that will increase cooler temperatures and more extensive fog for the morning hours. especially as we get to the middle of next week. next weekend, by 10:00 a.m., temperatures and the '50s on the coast. 60s on the bay, and 70's on the east bay 10:00 a.m. an 3: 3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., temperatures, east bay. and- temperatures in the 50s, coast, temperatures, 4:00 p.m. on the east bay should be 60s. and to go around the bay it looks like this for this afternoon. the lot of '80s in the north bay with sonoma, 85 degrees. 80 degrees in santa rosa and nearly 90 in fairfield. 60s at the beaches, and san francisco will see 72 degrees and 80 degrees for redwood city. and mid-upper seven is for most locations at
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the east shore. hayward, 78 degrees, sunshine, warm, inland. those are average, upper 80s in concord, pleasanton. the south bay, a delightful day with the upper 70's, low 80s for san jose. and a high of 83 degrees. kron 4 7 day around the bay sunday, a very similar day with just a touch of morning fog. a lot of sunshine throughout the day and more fog on tuesday morning. that is because the sea breezes getting stronger. the result will be slightly cooler temperatures with upper 70's, low 80s, inland. and upper 60s, low 70's for the bay. and we are going to remain in this weather pattern for however, the computer models are sharper possible storm pressing through saturday, sunday, and just a possible storm north of the bay
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>> brian, thank you come to of the san bruno gas explosion phillips state, federal, local officials will be touring that area. 9:45 a scheduled press conference to speak to reporters about the latest on the evacuations and one the evacuees can return homes and how the investigation is progressing before. if the ntsb is the lead agency on the investigation. we will be hearing from them as well and lt. gov. fare if abel madldonado >> we've been fortunate to hear from the evacuees that are stunned that the even survive to this huge explosion. it is an explosion that exploded a natural gas pipe underground and across a street. it charred cars, trees, destroying homes,
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and measurements and let four fatalities. we're going to go to a haaziq madyun spoke with one of the rebecca witted residence. >> here in the san bruno,-he spoke with one. >> a father was sitting down to watch some football when the explosions, began. >> we heard two shotthey're loud explosions and i ran out the door and saw the fireball that was something that i cannot believe described. it was pretty nuts. and the heat coming off of that was intense. so what i did is i went inside, no shoes and essentially what i am wearing right now. no shoes, no socks, and i grabbed my wife and three girls and it was panic mode. for us, with the little kids. >> and wally was some panic mode he was getting ready to take off with his family and he remembered to go back to get the
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family dog. in san bruno, kron 4 news. >> and of course, ground zero the 911 anniversary today the ninth anniversary of 911. taking a look at the world trade center site. earlier this morning, a very touching and emotional, with the 2007 hundred 52 victim's were read off today. and-2752 victim's, and the family's victim's were able to enter and leave flowers. earlier, president obama had some comments. but today, we pause to remember that tested our country. today, september 11th, 2001, over 2000 were lost if the daedalus attack and american soil. will never forget the american ithe list attack, and the families of the missing.
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will never forget the anger, the sadness that we felt. and nine years have come, gone. the passage of time and never diminish and the pain, the loss ever seared in the consciousness of our nation. that is why on this day, to pray with the families of those who have died. >> and a belated story, just fill a threat of this florida pasture is gone. rev. terry jones said that he will not burn the muslim holy book even though a controversial mosque is two blocks from the twin towers is built. reverend jones made his statement to his visit to spoke with the leader who is building that mollusk. on thursday, the reverend jones put that on hold. -who's buildin 911 mosque.
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>> the pastors plan resulted in protests in afghanistan and even robert gates called that he would putting troops in harm's way. this morning, that he is not going t burn the doran making a lot of people burn a lot easier for >> and will have the latest coverage on the 911 a moral service in the san bruno explosion of up to 40%, including discounts having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.
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>> we are back at 9:2 sec's continuing story and sanborn of the explosion. the national transportation safety board's investigation. and ravaged this california neighborhood.
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with 37 homes destroyed, eight severely damaged, and several residents have complained about smelling the smell of gas several days before the explosion. and to stay with us for more of this explosion and the details. >> and other news, a lawyer for server shore, the uc-berkeley grad was opposed iraq released is he is still optimistic that she will soon be let go. that they abruptly halted heplans just before she was scheduled to be let go. officials say that she must stand trial before amnesty is granted. she is considered a embarrassment with the clemency as an act of ramadan. there is no word on the other two, the uc graduates. in
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present with sarin shore. >> now, our other top story this morning a live look at ground zero. it is from new york city, observing the ninth anniversary of september 11th. and with 52 victim's. and how flowers have been placed. 252752 victim's .
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live from the bay area's news station this is kron 4 morning news. >> back at 9:30 to this is a look at the destruction and the san bruno gas explosion from thursday evening. this was a 15 a. site that is being described
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as massive destruction. 37 homes destroyed. four deaths. there is a press conference expected to take place and about 15 minutes. >> 9:45. >> will tran give us the latest. >> good morning, and it is scheduled to start in about 15 minutes. perhaps sooner. the reason why we're waiting is because senator barbara boxer is in the san bruno. she is being escorted and also acting governor abel madlonaod the mayor of san bruno, there should be 20 people on that tour. she will give our assessment on what she saw it during that tour. and to answer questions on how long as is investing going to take and the most eminent question for people concerned about their homes is one there will be able to return back to their homes. they understand it will not be
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able to live there but at the very latest to grab their clothes, medication, and vegetables, and to take those with them for the next couple of days-the audibles--, and with more help >> legalto grab audiblevaluable >> thank you, will tran and in the meantime, this was a portion of the interview that helped the burn victim and the san bruno. >> i slowly crept toward door and opened it up and i looked at the side of my house and that is one i saw the big ball of flame. >> and i called to my wife to stop:911, and she screamed! i grabbed my daughter, and that is when the poor kid walked up to us and i could see him asking for help and he had severe burns to spotty. and he watched his girlfriend parish right in front of him. it was this
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masaddest thing. and he was asking for people to pray for him. had he said my girlfriend, i watched her get burned up right in front of me. and he could not help her and the portrait was in shock. >> joe ended up on the front yard and he could not get help and he had a third degree burns and was going into shock. we throw him in the car and drove them out of the scene to get him help i did not know we had time to wait for emergency crews to. and he kept going on about how was girlfriend died on the fire. that is kron friend is dead, dead, and and his young girl was running to the neighborhood. and what happened to him. >> and she collapsed right in front of me. she could not stand up. and she kept asking about
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the crow friend and i did not want to say anything because it was difficult enough. and he was in bad shape. bad shape. >> was a heartbreaking story. we want to bring you up-to-date on the latest. we understand there is going to be a press conference and the team and as with federal, state, local officials bringing everybody up to date. the biggest concern for the evacuees is what point to they can go back into their neighborhoods. and see what belongings they cover. and to begin the long process. >> let us recap a few things that we've learned this morning. acting governor, lieutenant governor come off abel maldonado and with the 12-18 months expected investigation is much too long to wait. he is hoping
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that there's no art other instances like this that could occur throughout california. in fact, there was a report that there was a history of our planes complaints o the smel of gasoline in the air from the residences of san bruno. and for about three weeks or so. and this was not addressed. the lt. governor is hoping that they can get that investigation much more quickly. >> the conundrum is that you want fast, and thorough investigation and most investigators will tell you that they cannot do both. >> and one of the many questions that we will continue to of conference and the live coverage of about 10 minutes. we will cover that live, and we will be right back. [ man ] i was deciding what to do
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♪ o say can you see ♪ >> a day of mourning for the2752 victim's of the world trade center began this morning with the singing of the national anthem. and also observance with moments of silence. the ceremony at ground zero included bagpipes, drums, and brief comments by new york city mayor michael blumberg. families began reading the loved ones of their and lost loved ones. some of the family members of the victims called for a spirit of unity and reaching out amidst the division of the plant must of ground zero. >> now, this is video of the beams of light with the world trade once stood. and these
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will still be on tonight to commemorate the ninth anniversary of 911. they have began already come with 34 is already building. this is an honor. of the people that lost. >> to bring you up-to-date with the san bruno we are about five minutes away from a press conference. with federal, state, local officials of the san bruno city hall. they will be bringing everybody up to date on the major aspects of the recovery, the investigation into that gas line explosion that occurred about 6:15 thursday evening. >> and one of those people taking that tore this eveninmorg as barbara boxer. and she spoke to craig sklar. in the san bruno. >> craig? >> yes. >> yes. >> barbara boxer met with the ntsb officials on the way up to
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the scene. she is on tour right now and cheap expressed empathy, a concern as she was trying to the brief members on what she was about to see. s piquancy, she is taking a tour with dignitaries to taking a closer look at assessing the damage before she goes to city hall. had also come to see what the federal government can do to see what they've done to lost their homes. she expressed empathy, and ask a lot of questions. before going on to and she has been very sponsored as well should take a close look at that and head back down. all the while, that people were still being turned away try to come in and suter homes or just get to the homes that were new oversight. the time being, it is the center's viewing point. >> thank you, cried will be getting back to you on what the senator is probably seen and what you haven't seeing in these
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pictures. since the first denied explosion. in the aftermath. with homes destroyed, damaged. and trees and knocked down. cars charred. and people that we talked to. they have been running from their homes with nothing but the clothing on their back and the nation's seven. in. and we hope to hear more. and with the donations pouring in. we will be right back.
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>> we're back on kron 4 news this weekend is just waiting for a few minutes for the press conference that includes barbara boxer, and lt. governor, abel maldonaod to permit the latest on the investigation and the of
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the kiwiand to update the evacu >> earlier this morning, will tran spoke with an evacuee about the challenges she went through to get back to her home. >> at the very least, to grab the medication, clothing anything they could use in the meantime. we do not know how long it will not be allowed to do not get back there. they cannot live there simply because there is no gasoline, no water at many locations. however, still day-to-day items with items they need like medication! and a lot of people ar hard to hav difficulty reachin the location and you try to get their yesterday? in a success? >> yes, we had to hike we parked in rolling wood, hiked down in spokane and and the police officers were very nice. height
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down and they allowed us to go to our house and get a few things. and we would like to get a few more things but we cannot carry it all out because our car is one half mile away. >> and how have you been getting by? perhaps is this how you have one? >> i got something new from the house yesterday but we are staying with my brother. pretty much, we have nowhere but we are wondering with plenty of friends. we want to go home. >> it seems like a lot of frustration, that people not knowing when making the return and that would be agonizing. >> that is the frustrating part to hear on the news to call that number and the people on the other and also not know anything. and then, to get a tech a permission but nobody seems to the working get that permission identification. >> and if it takes days, weeks before you return and live there is that ok or is that going to
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be very harsh ship? >> weeks! i cannot imagine that. and i would basically have to move out of the house if it was toward the weeks and get everything i need. >> and could you ask kathy when she went back and to describe what she saw. we are still trying to get a picture of the destruction and the other homes that are left, standing. >> kathy, with a question for you, that when you back into the home what was the scene like? was it decimated? >> it seemed like a ghost town because it practically--i was the only one there. we are not in the damaged area so i did not see any damage to our house was fine. the wind was going the other way. grateful. and the firefighters. . . ripple for them to help. >> was it eeri questione mark >> yes, very eerie
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>> and right now,abel maldonado is still trying to get people back into their homes as early as possible. >> that was earlier, with speaking with a san bruno resident. and speaking of the experience of how getting back into her house. the red cross, the city of san mateo, san bruno, and the state of california are looking for the second phase of operations and that is donations. those donations can be made online at
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baccalaureate. correct.
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>> a good saturday morning to you for a nice weekend weather is coming in our direction with not a lot of fog to do with just a lot of sunshine through saturday, sunday. temperatures will be in the 70's for san francisco by this afternoon with just a light sea breeze cranking up. we will be in the low-mid '80s for the south bay, concord, and points of the lower east bay. and upper 80s, close to 90's. that same pattern is in place for tomorrow with the light sea breeze, just a little bit of fog in the morning hours. and the fog will be near the bay, the north bay, and the coast and it should clear by 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. by next week, starting monday the sea breeze will start to ramp up. that will increase cooler temperatures and more extensive fog for the morning hours. especially as we get to the middle of next week. next weekend, by 10:00 a.m., temperatures and the '50s on the coast. 60s on the bay, and 70's on the east bay 10:00 a.m. an 3: 3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.,
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temperatures, east bay. and- temperatures in the 50s, coast, temperatures, 4:00 p.m. on the east bay should be 60s. and to go around the bay it looks like this for this afternoon. the lot of '80s in the north bay with sonoma, 85 degrees. 80 degrees in santa rosa and nearly 90 in fairfield. 60s at the beaches, and san francisco will see 72 degrees and 80 degrees for redwood city. and mid-upper seven is for most locations at the east shore. hayward, 78 degrees, sunshine, warm, inland. those are average, upper 80s in concord, pleasanton. the south bay, a delightful day with the upper 70's, low 80s for san jose. and a high of 83 degrees. kron 4 7 day around the bay sunday, a very similar day with
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ticket be too just a touch of morning fog. a lot of sunshine throughout the day and more fog on tuesday morning. that is because the sea breezes getting stronger. the result will be slightly cooler temperatures with upper 70's, low 80s, inland. and upper 60s, low 70's for the bay. and we are going to remain in this weather pattern for however, the computer models are sharper possible storm pressing through saturday, sunday, and just a possible storm north of the bay area. >> brian, thank you, the latest on our explosion four confirmed deaths a mother, her teenage daughter, a 20 year-old woman and another of an unidentified victim. and with 37 homes
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destroyed, eight were damaged. there is a 2:00 p.m. st. robert's church town meeting in a press conference with state, local, federal tory that area and then we will be talking to reporters in the next 15-20 minutes. >> on month those touring the area. senator barbara boxer, and also state senator cherry hill represents that area. through san bruno, and he is pretty concerned. and also very critical. the pipelines under manneunder many areas are so ol, the one that destroyed was the installed in 1948. and you know that when we're talking about the investigation. as acting lt. governor abel
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maldonado he would like that investigation to be both quickly. >> and once they reconvene, this will be up at the top of the list. the infrastructure in california, to prevent this from happening. and i think it right on the head were a lot of people signed up the infrastructure, the pipeline is just too old. and in some cases, it could be unsafe. >> and pg&e could not also be too much to go on this morning but there will be a great scrutiny. >> and to remind you do stay with us, on the latest and or newscast at 9:00 p.m. had always come off >> will back tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. with a recap with today's news from san bruno. and the press conference beginning shortly. see you, tomorrow.
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